Uruguay Country Code,Uruguay Country Profile
This page will introduce you to the Uruguay Country Code 598,calling code +598,Time zone,city code,Dialing Instructions,Uruguay Country Profile,Neighbors of Uruguay
Uruguay, officially the Eastern Republic of Uruguay is located in Latin America and the Caribbean, the sub region part of Americas.
Uruguay Country Code +598

598 which country's area code?The Uruguay telephone country code is the number 598. If you want to call Uruguay from another country, you can do it dialing the number 598, before the entire telephone number(The dialing code or calling code or phone code of Uruguay starts with +598).The top level
598domain or TLD or Country specific Internet domains for
Uruguay ends with .uy and currency name of Uruguay is Peso Uruguayo(UYU).
Formal name:
the Eastern Republic of Uruguay -
Montevideo Currency:
Peso Uruguayo(UYU)Languages:
Spanish (official), Portunol, Brazilero (Portuguese-Spanish mix on the Brazilian frontier)Time zone:
UTC/GMT -3 HoursDaylight Saving Time:
Not ApplicableLocal Time:
More Country Code Information

Formal name
the Eastern Republic of Uruguay |
Montevideo |
Sub region code
419 |
Sub region name
Latin America and the Caribbean |
region code
19 |
region name
Americas |
ISO 3166-1 numeric
858 |
ISO 3166-1-Alpha-2
UY |
ISO 3166-1-Alpha-3
Dialing code
+598 |
.uy |
License plate code
748 |
UN M49
858 |
260 |
uy |
UY |
UY |
X3 |
ITU maritime ID
770 |
ITU callsign
773 |
NATO two letter
UY |
NATO three letter
ICAO airport code
SU |
ICAO aircraft code
CX- |
Dialing Instructions

The 598 country code will allow you to call Uruguay from another country. Uruguay telephone code 598 is dialed after the IDD. Uruguay international dialing 598 is followed by an area code.
+ | 598 | --- | ---- |
Uruguay City Codes

The Uruguay area code table below shows the various city codes for Uruguay. Uruguay country codes are followed by these area codes. With the complete Uruguay dialing code, you can make your international call.
City | Dial Codes |
Aigui | +598-446 |
Araminda | +598-337 |
Artigas | +598-772 |
Balneario Las Flores | +598-43 |
Baltasar Brum | +598-776 |
Barra del Chuy | +598-474 |
Barrio Escavino | +598-349 |
Belén | +598-766 |
Bella Unión | +598-779 |
Boca del Rosario | +598-557 |
Caballada | +598-52 |
Canelón Chico | +598-33 |
Canelones | +598-32 |
Capurro | +598-338 |
Cardal | +598-339 |
Cardona | +598-536 |
Carlos Reyles | +598-368 |
Carmelo | +598-542 |
Carmen | +598-365 |
Caserko Murialdo | +598-313 |
Castillos | +598-475 |
Casupi | +598-311 |
Cebollatk | +598-459 |
Cerro Chato | +598-466 |
Cerro Colorado | +598-318 |
Chamizo | +598-319 |
Colonia Cosmopolita | +598-556 |
Colonia Miguelete | +598-575 |
Colonia Piamontesa | +598-552 |
Colonia Rapettti | +598-546 |
Colonia Tomis | +598-562 |
Colonia Valdense | +598-55 |
Conchillas | +598-577 |
Constitución | +598-764 |
Costa Azul (Rocha) | +598-479 |
Dayman | +598-73 |
Dolores | +598-534 |
Durazno | +598-36 |
Estación Andreoni | +598-317 |
Estación Sosa Dkaz | +598-390 |
Faro José Ignacio | +598-486 |
Florida | +598-352 |
Fraile Muerto | +598-688 |
Guichón | +598-742 |
Ismael Cortinas | +598-539 |
Izcua | +598-412 |
J.P.Varela | +598-455 |
José Batlle y Ordonez | +598-469 |
José Enrique Rodó | +598-538 |
Juan Lacaze | +598-586 |
La Barra (Maldonado) | +598-42 |
La Coronilla | +598-476 |
Lagomar | +598-38 |
Laguna Merkn | +598-679 |
Las Canas | +598-413 |
Las Piedras | +598-324 |
Lascano | +598-456 |
Libertad | +598-345 |
Maldonado | +598-42 |
Mariscala | +598-449 |
Melo | +598-64 |
Mercedes | +598-53 +598-532 |
Minas | +598-44 +598-442 |
Minas de Corrales | +598-658 |
Mones Quintela | +598-778 |
Montevideo | +598-2 |
Nueva Carrara | +598-415 |
Nueva Palmira | +598-544 |
Nuevo Berlkn | +598-568 |
Ombses de Lavalle | +598-576 |
Palmitas | +598-537 |
Paso de los Toros | +598-664 |
Paysands | +598-72 |
Paysandu | +598-722 |
Piedras Coloradas | +598-747 |
Pintado | +598-354 |
Piraraji | +598-448 |
Playa Fomento | +598-587 |
Punta del Diablo | +598-477 |
Punta Del Este | +598-42 |
Quebracho | +598-754 |
Rivera | +598-62 |
Rko Branco | +598-675 |
Rocha | +598-47 |
Rodrkguez | +598-348 |
San Gregorio de Polanco | +598-369 |
San Jacinto | +598-399 |
San Javier | +598-569 |
San José | +598-34 |
San Jose | +598-342 |
San Jose De Carrasco | +598-38 |
San Ramón | +598-312 |
Santa Ana | +598-588 |
Santa Clara de Olimar | +598-464 |
Sarandk del Yk | +598-367 |
Solks de Mataojo | +598-379 |
Tacuarembó | +598-63 |
Tala | +598-315 |
Tarariras | +598-574 |
Termas del Arapey | +598-645 |
Tomis Gomensoro | +598-777 |
Tranqueras | +598-656 |
Treinta y Tres | +598-45 |
Trinidad | +598-364 |
Velizquez | +598-457 |
Vergara | +598-458 |
Vichadero | +598-654 |
Young | +598-567 |
Zapicin | +598-463 |
Uruguay Country Profile

Official Name | the Eastern Republic of Uruguay |
short form | URUGUAY |
Continents | Americas |
Area | 181,034km² |
Population | 3,473,727(2020) |
Terrain | Plains and low hills; 84% agricultural. |
Climate | Temperate. |
Natural resources: | Arable land, hydropower, minor minerals, fisheries. |
Agriculture products: | Rice, wheat, corn, barley; livestock; fish. |
Industries: | Food processing, electrical machinery, transportation equipment,petroleum products, textiles, chemicals, beverages. |
Exports-commodities | beef, soybeans, cellulose, rice, wheat, wood, dairy products; wool |
Exports-partners | China 15%, Brazil 14.4%, US 6.5%, Argentina 4.9% (2015) |
Imports-commodities | refined oil, crude oil, passenger and other transportation vehicles, vehicle parts, cellular phones. |
Imports - partners | Brazil 18.2%, China 17.4%, Argentina 12.6%, US 9.1%, Germany 4.5%, Nigeria 4.1% (2015) |
For more explanation, please read wikipedia or geonames(English)
Neighbors of Uruguay
