Namibia Country Code,Namibia Country Profile
This page will introduce you to the Namibia Country Code 264,calling code +264,Time zone,city code,Dialing Instructions,Namibia Country Profile,Neighbors of Namibia
Namibia, officially the Republic of Namibia is located in Sub-Saharan Africa, the sub region part of Africa.
Namibia Country Code +264

264 which country's area code?The Namibia telephone country code is the number 264. If you want to call Namibia from another country, you can do it dialing the number 264, before the entire telephone number(The dialing code or calling code or phone code of Namibia starts with +264).The top level
264domain or TLD or Country specific Internet domains for
Namibia ends with .na and currency name of Namibia is Namibia Dollar,Rand(NAD,ZAR).
Formal name:
the Republic of Namibia -
Windhoek Currency:
Namibia Dollar,Rand(NAD,ZAR)Languages:
Oshiwambo languages 48.9%, Nama/Damara 11.3%, Afrikaans 10.4% (common language of most of the population and about 60% of the white population), Otjiherero languages 8.6%, Kavango languages 8.5%, Caprivi languages 4.8%, English (official) 3.4%, other African languages 2.3%, other 1.7%Time zone:
UTC/GMT +2 HoursDaylight Saving Time:
Not ApplicableLocal Time:
More Country Code Information

Formal name
the Republic of Namibia |
Windhoek |
Sub region code
202 |
Sub region name
Sub-Saharan Africa |
region code
2 |
region name
Africa |
ISO 3166-1 numeric
516 |
ISO 3166-1-Alpha-2
NA |
ISO 3166-1-Alpha-3
Dialing code
+264 |
.na |
License plate code
649 |
UN M49
516 |
172 |
sx |
WA |
NM |
T6 |
ITU maritime ID
659 |
ITU callsign
V5A-V5Z |
- |
NATO two letter
WA |
NATO three letter
ICAO airport code
FY |
ICAO aircraft code
V5- |
Dialing Instructions

The 264 country code will allow you to call Namibia from another country. Namibia telephone code 264 is dialed after the IDD. Namibia international dialing 264 is followed by an area code.
+ | 264 | --- | ---- |
Namibia City Codes

The Namibia area code table below shows the various city codes for Namibia. Namibia country codes are followed by these area codes. With the complete Namibia dialing code, you can make your international call.
City | Dial Codes |
Abenab | +264-67 |
Aminuis | +264-63 |
Anamulenge | +264-65 |
Andara | +264-67 |
Anker | +264-67 |
Aoba | +264-67 |
Arandis | +264-64 |
Aranos | +264-63 |
Aranos (party line) | +264-6642 |
Ariamsvlei | +264-63 |
Aroab | +264-63 |
Asab | +264-668 |
Aus | +264-63 |
Babi-Babi | +264-62 |
Bagani | +264-66 |
Bethanie | +264-63 |
Biermanskool | +264-67 |
Blue Sodalite Mine | +264-65 |
Blumfelde | +264-62 |
Bralano | +264-6642 |
Buitepos | +264-62 |
Bukalo | +264-66 |
Bulwana | +264-668 |
Bunia | +264-66 |
Dawiab | +264-63 |
Deurstamp | +264-63 |
Dordabis | +264-62 |
Drimiopsis | +264-62 |
Edundja | +264-65 |
Eenhana | +264-65 |
Ehomba | +264-65 |
Eland | +264-62 |
Elim | +264-65 |
Endola | +264-65 |
Epikuru | +264-62 |
Epupa | +264-67 |
Etanga | +264-65 |
Etosha Rurtel | +264-67 |
Etunda | +264-65 |
Feldschuhorn | +264-63 |
Friedental | +264-62 |
Gaibis | +264-63 |
Gam | +264-67 |
Gibeon | +264-63 |
Gibeon party line | +264-668 |
Goageb | +264-63 |
Gobabis | +264-62 |
Gochas | +264-63 |
Grenslyn | +264-63 |
Groot – Aub | +264-62 |
Grootfontein | +264-67 |
Grunau | +264-63 |
Guibis | +264-63 |
Haiyandja | +264-65 |
Hakasembe | +264-66 |
Halali | +264-67 |
Hamab | +264-63 |
Helmeringhausen | +264-63 |
Helmeringhausen (party line) | +264-6362 |
Henties Bay | +264-64 |
Hoachanas | +264-63 |
Hobas | +264-6342 |
Hochfeld | +264-62 |
Hochland | +264-62 |
Horabe | +264-67 |
Hosea Kutako INT Airport | +264-62 |
K. Murangi | +264-66 |
Kahenge | +264-66 |
Kais | +264-63 |
Kalahariplaas | +264-63 |
Kalahariplaas – Party Lines | +264-6642 |
Kalkfeld | +264-67 |
Kalkfeld (party lines) | +264-6642 |
Kalkrand | +264-63 |
Kamanjab | +264-67 |
Kaolo Otavi | +264-65 |
Karasburg | +264-63 |
Karibib | +264-64 |
Katima-Mulilo | +264-66 |
Keetmanshoop | +264-63 |
Keetmanshoop (party line) | +264-638 |
KhoriXas | +264-67 |
Klein Aub | +264-62 |
Klein Karas | +264-63 |
Klein Waterberg | +264-67 |
Köes | +264-63 |
Koes (party line) | +264-632532 |
Kombat | +264-67 |
Kongola | +264-66 |
Kumakams | +264-6638 |
Kunene River Lodge | +264-65 |
Langstrand | +264-64 |
Leoburn | +264-64 |
Leonardville | +264-62 |
Lindequest | +264-67 |
Lorelei | +264-63 |
Luderitz | +264-63 |
Luderitz -Elizabeth Bay | +264-63 |
Mahanene | +264-65 |
Maltahohe | +264-63 |
Maltahohe (party line) | +264-6638 |
Mangetti duin | +264-67 |
Many Hills | +264-62 |
Marangi | +264-66 |
Mariental | +264-63 |
Mariental (party line) | +264-668 |
Maroelaboom | +264-67 |
Mashare | +264-66 |
Matava | +264-66 |
Mobile Phones | +264-81 |
Mokuti | +264-67 |
Mpacha | +264-66 |
Muveke | +264-66 |
Nakayale | +264-66 |
Namasvrede | +264-63 |
Namgorab | +264-6638 |
Namib Grens | +264-62 |
Namutoni | +264-67 |
Narubis | +264-63 |
Neudamm | +264-62 |
Nina | +264-62 |
Nkurenkuru | +264-66 |
Noordoewer | +264-63 |
Nouas | +264-62 |
Nudaus | +264-63 |
Nyangana | +264-66 |
Nzinze | +264-66 |
Oabis | +264-6342 |
Oamites | +264-62 |
Oamseb | +264-63 |
Obombo | +264-65 |
Odibo | +264-65 |
Ogongo | +264-65 |
Ohandungu | +264-65 |
Ohangwena | +264-65 |
Okahandja | +264-62 |
Okahao | +264-65 |
Okakarara | +264-67 |
Okalongo | +264-65 |
Okamatapati | +264-67 |
Okandjatu | +264-62 |
Okangwati | +264-65 |
Okaputa | +264-67 |
Okatope | +264-65 |
Okaukuejo | +264-67 |
Okorosave | +264-65 |
Okurusu | +264-67 |
Oluno | +264-65 |
Omafu | +264-65 |
Omaruru | +264-64 |
Omaruru (party line) | +264-628 |
Omatjene | +264-67 |
Ombalantu | +264-65 |
Ombika | +264-67 |
Ombotozu | +264-62 |
Omega | +264-66 |
Omitara | +264-62 |
Omitara (party line) | +264-62 |
Omungwelume | +264-65 |
Omuthya | +264-65 |
Onandjokwe | +264-65 |
Onathinge | +264-65 |
Ondangwa | +264-65 |
Ondjona | +264-62 |
Ondobe | +264-65 |
Ondundu | +264-65 |
Onesi | +264-65 |
Ongangdjera | +264-65 |
Ongava | +264-67 |
Ongenga | +264-65 |
Ongha | +264-65 |
Ongwediva | +264-65 |
Onuno | +264-65 |
Opuwo | +264-65 |
Oranjemund | +264-63 |
Orumana | +264-65 |
Oshakati | +264-65 |
Oshifo | +264-65 |
Oshigambo | +264-65 |
Oshikango | +264-65 |
Oshikango Rurtel | +264-6751 |
Oshikuku | +264-65 |
Oshitayi | +264-65 |
Oshivello | +264-67 |
Otavi | +264-67 |
Otjerunda | +264-65 |
Otjihase | +264-62 |
Otjikondo | +264-67 |
Otjimbingwe | +264-64 |
Otjinene | +264-62 |
Otjiwa | +264-62 |
Otjiwarongo | +264-67 |
Otjondeka | +264-65 |
Otjozondu | +264-62 |
Otwani | +264-65 |
Outjo | +264-67 |
Ovitoto | +264-62 |
Panosa | +264-65 |
Plessisplaas | +264-62 |
Prosit | +264-658 |
Rehoboth | +264-62 |
Rehoboth Station | +264-62 |
Rietfontein | +264-67 |
Rietoog | +264-62 |
Rosh Pinah | +264-63 |
Rossing Centrex | +264-64 |
Rössing Mine | +264-64 |
Ruacana | +264-65 |
Rundu | +264-66 |
Rupara | +264-66 |
Ruuga | +264-66 |
Sandveld | +264-62 |
Schilp | +264-63 |
Seeheim | +264-63 |
Seeis | +264-62 |
Sesfontein | +264-65 |
Sikono | +264-66 |
Sodalite | +264-65 |
Solitaire | +264-63 |
Sorris-Sorris | +264-67 |
Spatzenfeld | +264-62 |
Stampriet | +264-63 |
Steinhausen | +264-62 |
Stinkdoring | +264-63 |
Summerdown | +264-62 |
Swakopmund | +264-64 |
Toshari | +264-67 |
Tsandi | +264-65 |
Tsaobis | +264-64 |
Tses | +264-63 |
Tsumeb | +264-67 |
Tsumispark | +264-63 |
Tsumkwe | +264-67 |
Uchab | +264-67 |
Uhabis | +264-63 |
Uib | +264-67 |
Uis | +264-64 |
Usakos | +264-64 |
Vineta | +264-64 |
Walvis Bay | +264-64 |
Warmbad | +264-63 |
Warmquelle | +264-65 |
Waterberg Plateau Park | +264-67 |
Wilhemsthal | +264-62 |
Windhoek | +264-61 |
Witvlei | +264-62 |
Namibia Country Profile

Official Name | the Republic of Namibia |
short form | NAMIBIA |
Continents | Africa |
Area | 825,615km² |
Population | 2,540,916(2020) |
Terrain | Varies from coastal desert to semiarid mountains and plateau. |
Climate | mostly hot, varies from hyper-arid and semi-arid to subtropical; cold desert climate in the southwest. |
Natural resources: | Diamonds, copper, gold, uranium, lead, tin, zinc, salt,vanadium, fisheries, and wildlife; suspected deposits of oil, coal, and iron ore. |
Agriculture products: | Livestock, millet, fish and fish products, grapes,wool. |
Industries: | Meatpacking, fish processing, dairy products; mining. |
Exports-commodities | Diamonds, copper, gold, zinc, lead, uranium; cattle, white fish and mollusks |
Exports-partners | China 27%, South Africa 18%, Botswana 8%, Belgium 7% (2019) |
Imports-commodities | foodstuffs, petroleum products and fuel, machinery and equipment, chemicals |
Imports - partners | South Africa 47%, Zambia 16% (2019) |
For more explanation, please read wikipedia or geonames(English)
Neighbors of Namibia

Here you have the list of countries/regions are in the near of Namibia. In the immediate vicinity of Namibia are the following countries/regions: